70 research outputs found

    “The Permanent Exception”. A Reflection on the Constitutive Character of the Napoleonic Penal Code

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    This paper aims to show how the Napoleonic strategy in criminalibus did not end with the severe penal code of 1810. Along with it, according to Napoleon’s plan from the beginning, there are two other levels of repression, apparently more hidden. Firstly, we allude to the special courts established in 1801 to cope with the spread of banditry, which would later become laid out in the same fabric of the code of penal procedure. A further level of repression would officially emerge only in 1810 with the institutionalization of detention in State prisons. We are dealing with instruments designed to increase the already strong punitive action, levels of repression destined pour cause to dissolve the system of sealed warrants in the penal code and court. It is the author’s opinion that the code of the Napoleonic repressive ordinance, in fact, should be taken in its entirety.Con il presente saggio si intende evidenziare come la strategia napoleonica in criminalibus non si esaurisca nel pur severo codice penale del 1810. Accanto ad esso, secondo un disegno concepito da Napoleone fin dalle origini, si collocano altri due livelli di repressione, apparentemente più nascosti. Intendiamo alludere in primo luogo ai tribunali speciali istituiti nel 1801 per far fonte al dilagare del brigantaggio e che sarebbero stati successivamente incastonati nel tessuto stesso del codice di procedura penale. L’ulteriore livello di repressione sarebbe emerso ufficialmente solo nel 1810 con l’istituzionalizzazione della detenzione nelle prisons di Stato. Ci troviamo di fronte a strumenti concepiti per potenziare la già di per sé possente azione punitiva, livelli di repressione destinati pour cause a dissolvere il sistema di garanzie sigillate nel codice penale e in quello processuale. È opinione dell’autore che la cifra dell’ordinamento repressivo napoleonico vada còlta, appunto, nella sua unitarietà

    Tra sistema e prassi. I civilisti della facoltà di Cagliari tra Otto e Novecento

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    Enrico Lai and Francesco Atzeri-Vacca represent the two native civilists present in Cagliari’s law faculty between the 19th and 20th century. Lai enthusiastically opened up to German Pandettistica, attempting to construct a civilist doctrine with a national character, to the same extent as Cimbali or Chironi. This project was interrupted by his untimely death. Atzeri Vacca, on the other hand, although a pupil of Lai’s, initially appears more aloof in comparison to the professors who in the Peninsula deal with the themes that animate national science; at the same time he is very attentive to the controversial dimension of law: in his eyes, the civilist must first and foremost solve concrete problems. Arriving later than his colleagues, he nevertheless consigned to Italian science a monograph on renunciation that is still cited by civilists dealing with this institution

    Giustizia e letteratura II

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    The book explores and links different cultures, disciplines and perspectives, with a far more original and broad approach to the relations between “Justice” and “Literature” than more traditional works focused on “Law” and “Literature”. The many contributions from writers, literature and movie critics, psychologists, and criminal law practitioners and scholars, draw a complex and interdisciplinary path through primary texts of Italian and international literature, with the aim of prompting readers’ reflections about core issues related to law, crime, and responsibility. Through the analysis of masterpieces of literature, theatre and cinema, this book aims at stimulating dialogue and debate, as well as critical abilities and a deep-rooted sense of justice, amongst both law professionals and citizens at large. Literature and other forms of narration are presented here as a privileged key to approach long-standing questions about (amongst other) causes and consequences of crime; victimization and coping mechanisms; the role of criminal law and criminal proceedings; legalism and equity; law and ethics; the ‘time’ of justice; freedom, responsibility, culpability and forgiveness; rules, legality, socialization and culture; language and images as mediums for justice issues; the impact of prejudice and of existing balances of power on the application of the law; social and legal mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion; gender issues and legal systems; and so on. A whole section (Part V) is devoted to crimes against humanity and how the literary testimony may be understood both as a strategy to resist injustice and to seek justice, and as a way to prevent further horrors. Through this quest for justice in literature and arts, the volume proposes a wider cultural and research project which defies traditional formalistic and retributive approaches to criminal law, in order to open new perspectives for restorative and reintegrative strategies

    A colloquio con Paolo Grossi. (Intervista)

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    intervista pubblicata il 20 marzo 2007 nella rivista Forum historiae Iuris ISSN 1860-560

    Cultura giuridica e amministrazione della giustizia a Trieste durante la vigenza della codificazione criminale giuseppina

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    Si intende ricostruire l'applicazione del codice penale e processuale di Giuseppe II a Trieste dal 1787 al 1803

    I due colori della giustizia Rappresentazioni della repressione del dissenso politico in Austria e in Francia nel XIX secolo

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    Analizzare il doppio livello di repressione nel corso dei processi alla Carboneri

    Il contributo dei civilisti all'edificazione del codice civile unitario (1848-1865)

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    Scienza giuridica italiana e l'elaborazione del codice civile italiano dell'Italia unit

    Introduzione a Costruire, trasformare, controllare. Legal transfer e gestione dello spazio nel primo Ottocento

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    Introduzione al volume Costruire, trasformare, controllare

    \uabL'eccezione permanente\ubb.Spunti per una riflessione sui caratteri costitutivi dell'ordinamento penale napoleonico

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    This study investigates the Napoleonic legal system with particular reference to criminal law. The study of authorities shows that it is not historically correct to look at the criminal code only, as if it could be considered the only relevant feature in Napoleonic criminal law. The legal system encompassed several repression levels, designed to further expand the already powerful punitive action; this purposefully disrupted the guarantees enshrined in the criminal code and criminal procedure code. Reference is to Special Courts, established in 1801 and later integrated into the \u201cCode d\u2019instruction criminelle\u201din 1808/11, and to administrative detention (which has been correctly deemed as a return to \u201clettres de cachets\u201d), introduced with a decree in 1810, \u201c\ue0 pas de loups\u201d, as the French would say